We'll handle setting up the cloud environments that you need, along with the confusing licensing that comes with it (looking at you Microsoft). We'll also help you migrate your existing infrastructure.
Our team consists of Cyber Security Professionals that are certified and will ensure that your information is secure. Firewalls, IDS, EDR, SIEM's, any aspect of that you're missing we can fill in.
Need a website with a little more capability than Squarespace or Wordpress? Need an eCommerce site better than Shopify? We can help you build a web page for your business needs using modern frameworks like NodeJS and Flask, just to name a few.
One of the most overlooked aspects, we'll help you own your data with modern backup solutions for your on premise and cloud environments. Back up on-prem to cloud, cloud to on-prem, cloud to cloud, or even on-prem to your own off site location.
We can design, engineer and implement any infrastrucuture or systems for your organization. Our upmost priority is proper understanding of your use cases so that implementations go smoothly. You won't be hit with any surprises close to go live on projects we manage. That we can promise.
If you already have a security stack, but you would like to implement measures to monitor and analyse your infrastructure we can help. SIEMS are helpful to see exactly whats going on in your network. We can also provide around the clock monitoring and alerting so you can focus on the important stuff.